Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Car Wash

So last class we were given a piece of film to alter however we saw fit. Well my strip like others had clips of cars. So I thought to myself 'what do we do with cars?' and answered 'we wash them.' So I decided to give the cars trapped in the film that was fading and deteriorating slowly a nice car wash. And that is what I did. I placed my filmstrip in my dishwasher with the dishes and washed the film. Afterwords I took out the strip and decided to dry the wet emulsion in the clothes dryer by itself. The film looks pretty interesting now, so I'm looking forward to what it is going to look like.


  1. it looked way cool, do it again. You could clean a dirty movie like Ms.J said

  2. yeah and then you can bury a film --maybe an animation of the childrens bible! Actaully this discussion is reminding me alot of FUSES by CArolee Schneeman--have you seen that? WE own a really beautiful print, maybe we should look at it. She pretty much runs it through all the domestic forms of intrusion, and the imagery is domestic, sexual, diary, art and life. Terribly compressed but a peek from Ubuweb here

    YOu might also be interested in the collective called SILT from the Bay area who grew local molds on film, and processed in local waters, used film to investigate the flora and fauna of their available habitat. No documentation, but you can search them...

  3. ps.

  4. Hahaha, thanks Jeani and everyone.
